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Re: EXTREME pain at night in hands arthritis Cures? Pull the worms out with baby wipes/
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Re: EXTREME pain at night in hands arthritis Cures? Pull the worms out with baby wipes/

Obviously the fasting did work since you felt good right?

Please be careful of the entity known as mattk9000. It might be a bot.

On a serious note, just do enemas when you fast. It's kind of farcical that someone is going to tell you fasting doesn't work when it's been done for thousands of years.

The diet recommended by the entity known as Mattk9000 is all one needs to look into to see that it is ignorant. Vegetables, dairy and meat. No WONDER why the entity is still sick.

People do Liver Flushes at the end of a fast and get the FLUKES out.

BUT you have to do enemas before hand or laxatives or enemas while you fast - that is the most important thing.

The entity known as Barefoot right here on Curezone has most of the correct information. MOST not all. No one has all of the information.

The entity known as Mattk9000, who itself might be controlled by a higher parasitic entity is not dispensing correct information.

The entity known as Mattk9000 and its minions will have you believe that parasites exist in a clean environment and all you have to do is kill them kill them kill them kill them with many veterinary paracides.

The parasites exist within an environment of decayed waste. Getting rid of the waste is more important than mindlessly attacking creatures that are there for a reason. This is why you vomited during the fast due to a blockage in the intestines from too aggressively fasting without clearing the waste.

You need to get your mind right and read the classic authors from early and mid 1900's, not the minions of Mattk9000 who I GUARANTEE YOU WILL BE SICK FOREVER BECAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT. AND BY SHIT I USE THE LITERAL TERM NOT THE METAPHOR. parasites ARE FEEDING ON YOUR LITERAL INTERNAL SHIT.

Please be wary and careful of the nonsensical false protocols of the entity known as Mattk9000.

The entity known as Mattk9001 will often make comical statements such as salt 'diets' don't work. WTF is a salt diet? or Chelation doesn't work. OH REALLY? REALLY?

The entity known as Mattk9002 will pose authoritatively to add you to his minions. It preys on the weak.

Once you mind is right you can see the pure comedic nature of the false Mattk9003 so-called protocol, which is:
1 part pure nonsense
1 part fake science
1 part real science
9 parts hyperbole
8 parts personal projection of its own experience onto the general experience of humanity
1 part no-salt diet

Seriously though for a moment, all he does is tell people to take a billion different paracides, some of them are poisons like levamisole which is used to cut cocaine on the street, alkalize (which is absurd since each body tissue has a different ph range), take 'metals' by which I think he means minerals, and a few other nonsensical diet things. There, I just condensed 10000 pages of his opus into a few lines.

Years ago the entity was telling people that he could feel how many strongyloides worms he had remaining inside him. Are you really going to take that entity seriously?

The entity feeds on curezone newcomers, herds them into his private cult so he can control the narrative without anyone questioning. Does that behavior sound familiar to you?



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