Re: Proof Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver is useless
youre just a dumbass.
any wet silver works. any electrosilver works if you take enough of it. the only thing that gets in silvers way is low oxygen. otherwise, it works if you take enough.
thats the way it is. i came to that conclusion long before any of the rest of you came around. the rest of this thread is about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, as far as im concerned. good luck to you all.
find my ancient posts. i made my silver a bright yellow. worked like a miracle on my candida. unreal good with permanent results. YELLOW. large particles. high, high, high PPM. thats what i always personally recommend is to make your own and make it till its slightly yellow or turns yellow after sitting for a while. i even have a post on this forum about how to make your own CS. its still stands today, many years later, and passes the test of time and i can still vouch for it.
so there. you can spit and sputter aboput CS and whats a true colloid and itty bitty things that none of us can ever see, but i suggest you quit being a d*mba** instead.