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Re: silver ions vs particles
Paul D Views: 4,451
Published: 7 y
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Re: silver ions vs particles

You stated:

"Ionic silver solutions do not contain single ion atoms. It is a matter of fact and Science that silver solutions made up of single atoms are beyond our current scientific abillty to create."

This is such a factually incorrect statement that it would probably be pointless engaging you in further discussion.

You obviously don't know an ION is an ATOM. In this case it is an atom with 46 outer orbital electrons. The other atom of silver we're discussing here is non-ionic silver which has 47 outer orbital electrons, what is often referred to as a nano-particle.

A nano-particle of 47 electrons is attracted to another particle of non-ionic atomic symmetry by weak nuclear forces called Van der Waals Forces. When two or more non-ionic atoms get stuck together by these weak nuclear forces, they will tend to want to grow in size because the increasing mass size concentrates even more of the nuclear forces thus causing other non-ionic particles to be attracted to the growing mass.

If you want to continue the discussion, I'm willing & quite capable to carry it on, but I don't want to engage in a name calling session as to why I as a Nuclear/ Electrical Engineer am not fit to make the call on what distinguishes one atomic mass from another.


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