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Re: Here's one for you Loquat and it's not satire unfortunately....
loquat1 Views: 1,174
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Re: Here's one for you Loquat and it's not satire unfortunately....

Maybe he'll engage you in debate after that comment you made.

No response so far, and I'm not holding my breath. The last comment was around a year ago, so it's quite possible he no longer checks in on this post for comment updates. But it seems I'm not the only one who's fallen for his charms. Fancy some deviled eggs?

And I'm also not the only who thought he was spoofing:

But what's really fascinating is that if you accept his own words at face value, then you are forced to conclude that he's deadly serious. In which case, his cover is now blown wide open. His 2011 prophecy for Armageddon in 2017 and its antecedents in the 6 yr run-up have now spectacularly failed.

Well, there's a shocking surprise then. Since he wants to be taken seriously, shall we oblige him and add him to the list of false prophets? I should coco. Will that stop him making further predictions/ytube vids about the end of the world I wonder? Will it heck.

Thx for the headsup re. NAR in my country. I'll hafta dig a bit deeper to work out how I missed it. I musta blinked when it happened.



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