Re: Interview with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
So you're waiting for 'earth shattering' from me are ya? You might be confusing me with the second coming, which I'm sure will fit that bill. Then again, I promised vekky a few 'humdingers', and I usually keep my promises - eventually.
Both Jonathan Menn and Kim Riddlebarger are American authors, as is Dean Davis, whose book I recommended for Vekky's dad. Ironic, innit, that the best extant books on the subject hail from the land of 'left behind' and '3rd Templars'? So as you can see, Finalism is not some fringe backwater conspiracy concocted in ye Oldey Worlde to deprive you lot of your escape (or is it sanity?) clause or millennial blessings. In any case, wasn't it Chico who once said there was no such thing as Sanity Clause?
Oh yeah, that's right - it was him. So yeah, I'm personally glad to note there are still a few good men left in the good ol' USA who haven't been swept away by this 'insanity'. As for reviews, I may well post them to Amazon, then link them on the forum, but that won't be anytime soon.
Meantime, you could do a lot worse than read some of the reviews on Amazon if you're that interested. You might even find a couple of my comments there.