Edit: Interview with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
I agree that the third temple could be the true church. That's the main reason I am not dogmatic about it having to be built. I really don't know for sure. I still think there is a strong possibility that there could be a physical temple too. There may be both.
The Bible is clear that God's true people are His temple. The Spirit of Christ is in His true people. I don't know all of your end time beliefs, Loquat, as I did not have time to read much of the discussion you and Vekky had about it. I have to pick and choose what I read. I probably don't read as much of curezone as people think I do. My plate is too full already.
After listening to Sundar and seeing how accurate he was on Trump and Houston, I think there is a strong possibility that he could be right on the Temple too. He is a true Christian, however, I do not hold New Testament Prophets at the same level as I do the Old Testament Prophets. New Testament Prophets may just be operating in one of the nine gifts of the Spirit, in which case what they prophesy needs to be judged rather than the Prophet being stoned as in the OT. Many of them misunderstand what God tells them, especially in dreams. Sundar has a lot of visions where he sees Jesus talking to him. I suppose it could be that Jesus is actually there. I think they are just visions, but I don't know. I think a lot of people who think they have real experiences are just having visions and trances like people in the Bible did, but it is so real to them that they think they are actually in heaven etc.
Sundar was saved at the age of 16 out of Hinduism. He had a run with the Seventh-day Adventists where he got his start. He eventually saw all the false doctrine there and left. He has an amazing testimony. I would be happy to post it if anyone is interested.