Zapper effectiveness and a Thundervolt Body Tester.
The Thundervolt Body Tester is based entirely upon documented scientific facts. I quote three scientists (among the 12 on my website) who did done extensive research on characteristics of electrical charge levels inside people.
In the 1930s, a Russian scientist named Georges Lakhovsky demonstrated that the membranes inside a cell exhibited inductance, capacitance, and resistance properties. He found that applying an electrical waveform to plants and human structures would rebound into a beneficial effect. His findings gave me a basis for designing the Body Tester.
In the 1970s, Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi, MD, Ph.D., and a Nobel Prize winner, wrote a thesis on internal human electrical charge levels. In that paper, he said, "Every person has a unique life force," or what he called "the human sub-atomic ocean of electrical charges.” The Body Tester's operation is based upon his medical thesis.
in the 1990s, Dr. William F. Cathcart, MD, made two statements about massive electron donation into patients and their effects:
“What we are doing with [a supplement] is throwing [it] away for the electrons carried by [it]. In other words, we are driving trillions of negatively charged electrons into a diseased patient, neutralizing the positively charged free radicals. Incidentally, this treatment also violently energizes white cells so they destroy any existing viruses immediately. This phenomenon is only activated when a threshold level [of] electrons is reached, which suddenly obliterates the free radicals." Our Body Tester measures the electrical threshold level inside a human body.
The existence of dangerous free radicals in humans is part of the reason the Body Tester was created. Here's what Dr. Cathcart said about free radicals:
"When free radicals, which lack electrons, are surrounded by a concentration of [electrons], the free radicals cease to exist. This is just basic chemistry. It always works.”
Cathcart's threshold level of electrons is commonly called "chi,", Prana, life force, or perhaps Radiant Energy. This is the force the Body Tester detects and numerically reveals to the user. It is an accurate, scientific, and repeatable method. Many of my customers around the globe have consistently verified its validity. If the testing is done before and after a zap session, the resultant number should increase. This device does not function on frequencies and is a separate unit from the Thundervolt Zapper. It is quick and easy to do and inexpensive; only $49.95. No one else in the industry has one available for retail sale.
Thank you for your time. The Thundervolt Zapper.