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Re: Squiggling on head and subsequent problems
mattk3 Views: 5,340
Published: 8 y
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Re: Squiggling on head and subsequent problems

It is more helpful to identify filarial or rhabitiform types.

Since there are so many stages, it is nearly impossible to tell by pictures.

I did actually identify a hook worm in my infection under the microscope, such a huge waste of time.

I find the meds that cause a reaction, stress, or relief are the best course.

While red worms can be a purple color, they also can be creamy in other stages. So color only works if seen.

Initially...If IVM stops them, think red.

If PPZ, DEC, stops them think white.

If Praziquantel increases activity in liver, pancreas, galbladder think flat worms.

It can take days or weeks to get into the kill zone, so the clues that the meds provide are a guess.

I had about a dozen parasites, and it took quite a while to figure it out. I wish I could say movement in head was enough, but it really does not provide enough information.

Immune system is a bit of a tough nut. I suggest going up on Beta Glucan, 4 caps per day, 3 caps of Amermed Magnolia bark 4:1 600mg, and say 4 caps of magnolia bark extract (rosehips) per day.

Ester C, Selenium, Iodine, and other supplements are important.

Detox is important, immune system gets screwy. MSM, Stinging nettle root 6 caps, and or black cherry juice, and other naturals can help provide a balance in the system for severe cases.

I had total collapse of immune, heading into Leukemia.

Unfortunately it takes weeks after a parasite kill to see any improvement in immune function. A lot of supplements may be required to get the body to balance.

I had pictures of white, flat, and red worms early, helped me very little. Using a strong formula that works with the mix of worms that comprise your infection type (Co-infection stasis) is a better way to go.

Taking IVM using a regular dose pattern can keep red worm infections from increasing.

Taking regular single dose of Praziquantel can keep flat worm infections from increasing

Taking Levamisole at low dose 100mg can keep red worm infections from increasing.

Taking natural piperazine (Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa) can keep white worm birth explosions under control.

Until your pH is higher than 6 or 6.5 on the tongue, killing any parasite may be impossible. Balance the body using supplements and make your body keep up, and detox puts you in a healthy zone, where antiparasitic meds, and formulas start to work.

Use more detailed symptoms to attempt to identify your infection(s).



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