I just wanted to support this comment on garlic treatment! IT REALLY REALLY WORKS!!! How do I know this? Because I have done it three times and the spots are almost gone (I might have to repeat one more time). First I went to a doctor and she used acid and after three sittings she did an okay job (Almost 80% gone) but it cost me a fortune. When they came back I tried garlic treatment as its free and can repeat until I am satisfied with the results. After doing three times I could apply the garlic as precisely as a professional :-). IT IS VERY SIMPLE IF YOU USE THE CORRECT METHOD. USE THINLY SLICED GARLIC STICKS TO APPLY THE GARLIC PASTE AND GARLIC JUICE. DIP THE STICK AGAIN AND AGAIN IN THE PASTE AND PUT FRESH PASTE / JUICE ON THE XANTHELASMA. This is very hassle free and precise way of putting the garlic. I repeated the process for five days (once daily for 10 minutes) and in another week for recovering the burn (do not force the crust and wait for it to come off naturally....patience is key). Give another few days for swollen part to disappear and you will be left with plain, smooth and greyish black spot (it will be some time before these marks go away). It hurts quite a bit but you have to be persistent. Anything is better than the pesky xanthelasma! So Good luck!