Re: I desperately need help- flukes all in my head and body
Once you have reached 9 teaspoons you need to keep the dose up. This preparation is given as the therapy is very strong and it would possibly be dangerous to start on 9 teaspoons.
You may use this as a guideline for taking the blessed seed oil
outlined by medical herbalist, Mr Pouget.
always start slowly with herbal medicines on a low dose and gradually build up the dose (capsules are an expensive way to use
blackseed oil its better value to buy the oil un-encapsulated as you otherwise just
pay for the encapsulation process..
you may also apply the oil directly onto the affected area, break open a capsule (for
Psoriasis for example.) and administer onto the
affected area. Start on 1 or 2 capsules a day for 3 days then increase the dose to 3 capsules a day ( spread doses through the day) this can then each 3 days add 1 more
capsule to the dose, Upto about 6 capsules ( taken as 2 capsules 3 x daily) after that you should use the oil from the bottle
and take 1 tsp daily,, you can continue to increase the dose to up to 3 tsp daily.)
Our suggestion with blackseed oil.... for just about anything,
start on a low dose....1/2 tsp 1 x per day for 2-7 days then 1/2 tsp 2 x per day for 2 -7 days
building it up to 3 tsp per day.
how fast to progress, and how high to take dose depends on how the
patient responds
a common cause of adverse effects in with herbal medicine is taking too much
of the right medicine too quickly.... as your body can only clear out
toxins and congestion at a given rate.
By building up the dose gradually, this is avoided... or at least the threshold
of your capacity to clear out is realised.. the dose lowered so as to
work within your capacity
antoine pouget
london UK
Any other information you may need please do contact us.
We pray for your good health
Kindest regards
Daniel Goodwin