Re: sick and tired-intractable skin condition
Heya. Totally understand. Life was like being paraded around like a war criminal to be humiliated constantly, and I absolutely wanted to end it, but I'll be frank, I just didn't have the nerve. I had tried everything... fasting, eating mud and dandelions, megadosing on every vitamin known to man, sticking a hose up my ass three times daily to try and "flush out toxins," prayer, meditation, acupuncture, naturopathy, dermatology, "alkalyzing my body," lasers, chemical burning my skin off my face with raw garlic, etc. I'd had every blood,
food allergy , blood sugar, blah blah test ever, and spent well over $7000 on none of this working. What did actually work, (how I discovered this is not terribly important): high estrogen birth control, especially when combined with a spironolactone analogue. I went from being covered literally from the waist-up with scarring, cystic
Acne except for my stomach and lower arms to being normal (plus one or two would-be disfiguring cysts per month, which now never totally surface and only come up the week I'm on the inactive pills). If you're female you probably have polycystic ovaries that are pouring out the androgens of about 15 or 20 13-year-old boys. The doctor probably hasn't diagnosed it because you're not overweight or insulin resistant, which usually causes PCOS, but sometimes it's genetic and/or caused by small tumors on the pituitary. (In my case it is probably a benign pituitary tumor). If you're male, you might still look into hormone balance... spironolactone or other testosterone antagonists.. which are roughly $80/month without insurance.
I am not a doctor.
If you haven't already killed yourself, remember you can always become a hermit and live somewhere mirrors don't exist. I was about to move into the bush in Alaska, no kidding. Learn subsistence skills and pull a McCandless maybe... that's totally free, and maybe you'll be better at it than him and actually survive a few years. If not, well what is there to lose, right? And for your efforts you will be rewarded by some of the most breathtaking vistas no one else may ever have seen.
Love and light and shit.