Actuully i did a blood test like 6 months ago and there was nothing wrong. no iron B-vitamin defiancy or whatever. but i have an iron defiency as usual and had it because have a heavy menstrual flow so i dont think that has somthing to do with my EC at all. i've had iron defiency for years without peeling lips. my dermatolgist wants to meet me two months from now to see if im progressing, becuase she says i might have chrohns disease. it can be possible since my siblings suffers from disease like diabetes type 1, SLE, lupus, Hypotetorus, sjogrens syndrom...which makes her skin, lips, mouth, eyes, throat, nose constantly dry. she has peeling now and then, but its barely noticing since she rips the skin off and it happends not that much maybe two/one times a month. But i think im gonna check my bloodtest again to make sure im normal.