Re: Colloidal Silver Resources is Finished, more
I just found out that Big Pharma actually got
Colloidal Silver BANNED in Europe !
" In early 2010,
Colloidal Silver was actually banned in Europe.[2]....
Colloidal Silver has been banned in Australia if the manufacturer or vendor makes health claims.....
" In the USA, the FDA tried to ban colloidal silver products in the late 1990s, but was unable to. Similar to Australia, colloidal silver was labeled as ineffective by the FDA and manufacturers or vendors are not allowed to promote colloidal silver as a product that has medicinal benefits......
" Ditto Canada....
" it is up to the consumer to self educate on the benefits of colloidal silver, and how to use it safely and properly....
" Big Pharma can't make any money on colloidal silver so BAN it... to protect their OBSCENE profits !
Complete details here:
This underscores our need to promote our file, "Colloidal Silver Resources" to the 4 corners of planet Earth.
If we do this right, everyone on planet Earth will be aware of the Miracle of Colloidal Silver, and how to buy or make their own generator. Lets make our forum the most active forum at the Curezone !