Yes, frozen cod liver oil works the same way. So does frozen pumpkin seed oil. Caster oil is difficult to freeze- it can take weeks depending on your freezer. Cod liver oil and pumpkin seed oil freeze easily. Both seem to be cheaper than caster oil capsules.
Thanks for the great explanation of how it works.
I think it is essential for a good parasite cleanse. As with anything new, start slowly and work up to max. dose. I started with 5-6 capsules on an empty stomach first thing in the morning but I was used to taking cod liver oil unfrozen so my body was used to it. I eventually worked up to 12 capsules first thing in the morning. Effects show up 24-36 hours later.
Pumpkin seed oil is a classic anti-parasitic anyway. Cod liver oil is a great source of Omega 3's and DHA. Both are essential for good health.