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Good information on parasites and treatment
monroe444 Views: 4,295
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Good information on parasites and treatment

A good page of information on parasites and treatments:

Here is just a section:


Asafoetida Dissolve a small piece of asafoetida in water and drink it on an empty stomach once a day for 3 days.

Ash Gourd Seeds Take a handful of ash gourd seeds and grind them. Eat it in the morning on an empty stomach. Two hours later, take two teaspoons of castor oil.

Betel nut Grind one betel nut with a small glass of milk. Take this early in the morning on an empty stomach.
NOTE: Do not give to children. Avoid: if suffering with cardiovascular disease or pregnant.

Black Walnut Hulls can be taken as an extract. NOTE This herb is not recommended for infants or children.

Coconut and Castor Oil. A tablespoon of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast followed by a dose of castor oil after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.

Paico Leaf can effectively eradicate Tapeworms in most cases.

Pumpkin the seeds of this herb can be eaten whole or mashed and mixed with juice. Two or three hours after eating up to 25 ounces of seeds, a laxative such as senna or prunes is recommended to purge the intestines.

Cascara sagrada this herb can be used after eating pumpkin seeds to help eliminate parasites from the body. It is milder than senna, but has a similar action.

Wormseed can be taken as a tea. Do not use concentrated wormseed oil as it is too potent.

Torrya seed can be used with pumpkin seed and betel nut

CAUTION: Castor oil should not be given to children below 5 years of age.


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