Driving parasites away from the intestines
The article above makes an interesting point:
"Lastly, please remember to take something sweet with your protocol so that you will not create a larger problem. The one thing that you want to avoid is having
parasites flee from the intestinal tract with migration throughout the body into other organs.
parasites will do just about anything to avoid being killed. Their job is to live by adapting to their environment and eat foods that you like. They’ve had millions of years of parasitic DNA programming to be good survivors."
When I first took the Paragone, I saw evidence of some dead
parasites but I felt some flee (and I still think I can feel them in other parts of the body, especially when I take another dose).
I was wondering this myself - if they flee to other parts of the body, how do you kill them if what you're taking mainly affects those in the intestines? And yet most people say you have to stop eating everything with
Sugar during a
parasite cleanse.
I wish the person who wrote that blog had elaborated. Can anyone else comment on this?
Maybe taking things like pomegranate and pineapple have the benefit of attracting the parasites to the intestines and then making it too acidic for them.