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Re: Driving parasites away from the intestines

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

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Re: Driving parasites away from the intestines

CureZone Home > Hulda Clark
Hulda Regehr Clark

Tapeworms and Ascaris
Tapeworm Disease

We all have Tapeworm stages in our bodies, probably going back to childhood when we ate dirt. It is not normal for these stages to hatch and develop further. Their purpose is to stay dormant. And perhaps they do little harm this way.
But I have found that all HIV/AIDS sufferers have "tapeworm disease". The stages are hatching. This spews the tiny larvae and cysts, plus unfertilized eggs and their bacteria all over the body, making you feel sick. Perhaps the large amounts of solvents accumulated in the body forces them to hatch; perhaps the lowered immunity allows them to hatch. The Syncrometer usually detects scolices (heads) and eggs in the most vital organs: the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, brain and liver.

Tapeworm stages that have disseminated in your body do not come unaccompanied, either. They bring some very harmful bacteria and viruses with them. Streptomyces fungus is one of the worst. Wherever I detect Streptomyces, a Tapeworm stage is not far away.

The herbal parasite program is not effective against all tapeworms. [In the old editions of the books Dr. Clark used to recommend Rascal against tapeworms.] The zapper can't reach every one either. Other traditional herbs, such as pumpkin seed or male fern, are helpful, but the most effective treatment I have found is Co-enzyme Q10.

It takes a very large amount, 3000mg, to reach Tapeworm casts in far away places like the brain or bone marrow. This is 3 grams. If you are extra tall or heavy, it takes 4 grams [over 155 pounds].

Co-enzyme Q10 is normally present in every cell of your body. It is never toxic and there are no side effects. But its cost is prohibitive to take on an ongoing basis. Plan not to reinfect yourself again so that one dose is enough. You could re-infect yourself by eating rare meats or dairy products.

If you are very ill, take the large definitive dose every fifth day until you are better. If you are HIV positive but you are not ill, take it once a week. On other days take a smaller dose, about 400mg.

To get its full potency, take it on an empty stomach, such as before breakfast. You may open the capsules and eat the powder straight or stirred into pure honey /1/4 tsp.). Don't eat dozens of capsules. The capsules themselves could have an unexpected toxin.

If you are not HIV positive, you could reserve the large dose for times of illness, taking the large dose once a week until you are well.

Tough Tapeworms

But killing the tapeworm larvae still might not end your tapeworm disease! A few varieties of tapeworms, like Echinococcus multiocularis, have larvae inside their larvae! An even those second generation larvae can have more larvae inside them. These internal larvae are shielded from all things that might harm them. That is undoubtedly why they are not eradicated by the zapper current or herbs or even Co-enzyme Q10. The innermost larvae are called hydatid sand. Testing with a Syncrometer reveals that in some persons, unfortunate enough to have these tapeworm varieties, hydatid sand is still present and alive after all these treatments. E. granulosis is the most common variety to survive it all. It is found the world over, infesting sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, goats and dogs.
But what harm would a few left over stages of Tapeworms do? With most of them dead, surely your health should improve. In themselves, they may do little harm. But Streptomyceswhich accompanies the larvae, does a great deal of harm. Streptomyces can spread through your body like a virus, attacking your weakened organs such as the thymus.

Streptomyces is not merely a nuisance, like Candida. Streptomyces makes protease! It uses up your nucleic acid bases, adenine and hypoxanthine; it makes nitrites out of nitrates ; it makes ammonia out of your urea; it has powerful immune suppressant action on T-cells. This is no ordinary invader although it is present in the soil everywhere.

Unless you kill every grain of the hydatid sand and other leftover shielded larvae, you cannot get well.

At the same time, the cyst must not be opened to let out the mischief-makers, but merely penetrated to kill the contents. Fortunately, we have found a combination of two things that can penetrate a succession of membranes to kill the shielded larvae within, as well as any trapped eggs. They are cysteine and ozonated olive oil. We will discuss them shortly. But first, are there other parasites besides some Tapeworms that can survive our treatments so far? Yes. Ascaris.

If you do not get well after the herbal parasite program, Co-enzyme Q10, and the zapper treatment, you can assume you have either leftover tapeworm stages or survivor Ascaris eggs.

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