Re: Multiple food intolerances, mood problems and troubles living socially
Lots of good info in here.
Another trek you might persue is a dietary guide based on your blood type. I specifically am referring to a series of books called 'eating right for your blood type'. They can be found in most any health food store.
The truthfulness in these books was proven to me after I went to a functional medicine clinic for other reasons and had a food/strength test done. The doctor told me almost verbatim which foods to avoid, almost like he was reading the book to me. He also made suggestions on which foods would most benefit me the most.
He explained it to me this way. Eating foods you should avoid results in an allergic reaction, kicking your immune system into high gear. As this is happening inflammation throughout, or in different parts of your body starts taking place. This results in swelling, weight gain, and/or in my case, disease. In my case I wound up with an auto immune disease. My body started at tacking my thyroid and prostate glands.
By changing my eating habits and taking the correct nutritional supplements I have greatly reduced the attack on my body, but it is a daily battle. I had to give up most of the foods I loved and learn to eat things I never cared for. It hasn't been easy, but today I am feeling better than I have felt in about 10 years, and shed 40lbs to boot over the last two years.
Nobody can do it for you, it's like George Carlin said; 'Ya gotta Wanna'