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Re: Update plus What you guys think
FreeAgentNoob Views: 2,016
Published: 9 y
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Re: Update plus What you guys think

I guess we all are stressed out from this. I'll be honest with you man, I'm still having a hard time accepting that out of all the problems I would acquire, it would be this. I never thought anything of my lips ~6 months ago so I'm sure a lot of people also know how I feel.

Regarding to your other comment about assuming the worst will happen, I'm trying my best not to think about it, but I've been stressed out a lot lately for the past 4 days because if you've seen my pics 4 days ago, there's a serious dramatic worsening of the condition in just 4 days which worries me (especially when I didn't even have this yet for a year).

For now I decided to trust this seller because as far as I know she is a mom selling lots of baby products so I think she should be in jail right now if something bad happened to her customers, and I can get this in a day or so.

Are there any specific brands I should use for HC or is it all one brand? Yeah I figured to start with 1% too, but I won't yet until I get Aquaphor.

MrBungle, since I can clearly see scabs overgrowing, is it really for the best to just leave it alone? I do my best to trim but sometimes I trim too much and accidentally pull up the edge, revealing raw underneath. Can't wait to try Aquaphor and I hope I'm not allergic to it or anything.


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