Re: Update plus What you guys think
My lips are doing okay again as of right now. I probably cut off too much excess and exposed some raw flesh underneath.
Yeah, I figured derms would be pretty useless. Something I actually do plan on doing is getting my vitamin levels checked because the dark corner on the left side of my mouth kind of got worse, and now it kinda hurts when I yawn. I'm assuming it's some form of Angular Cheilitis? Although I swear I never had it until this Feb.
Anyway, I just got home looking for aquaphor all over the place. Unfortunately there really isn't any but I did find an online seller who sells them. Do you mind if I show you the link? I have no idea if it's fishy and I have no idea if there is such a thing as 'fake' Aquaphor. My last plan is to get from Amazon but honestly I have never ordered anything online, ever, which is why I hope this seller is legit. Anyway, which Aquaphor do you guys use? There's the baby one, lip repair, healing ointment and advanced therapy.