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Re: Forum without #461 and Parazapper
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Re: Forum without #461 and Parazapper

Gosh, you should ask him if you couldn't just call him Sar or something. Still I guess cut and paste would be worth the effort to use with that much wording.

But grandma's cinnamon rolls? They're extra yummy. :) And gee, I'm sorry about that. I know how much a hooby can mean. :)

It would be a bummer to work for such a stuffed shirt. Glad the overarching sentience is so warm and kind. No any need to bow or scrape; she actually really prefers you didn't, but some people feel they must.

And that plotting/ scheming thing is why your fearless (hardly) leader types are actually being held out on the transport ship aka planet X or whatever. They'd be trying to instruct their flunkies with telepathy but they aren't really very good at it and the distance in from the ship is too far.


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