Re: Forum without #461 and Parazapper
I have no problem with you being here; not in the least. But you missed my qualifier - 'if this site is so offensive to your sensibilities...........'. The point being that if you are going to publish your off-the-wall (some might say, whacky) ideas or theories here, and attack those who disagree with you, then you need to develop a thicker skin, broader shoulders, and stop being so precious when they respond in kind. Humanity is not monolithic or homogeneous when it comes to personal beliefs. Never has been, never will be. So don't be too surprised when the majority refuse to fall in line behind you.
You believe (or at least hope) they'll all be behind bars within a year? The only way that's ever gonna happen is after a 2nd revolution. Seems highly imporbable to me, considering the noose is tightening around the necks of those who speak truth to power:
You are just one very small step away from living in a police state, if not already de facto living in one. Seems to me you have a lot more to worry about than mere aliens. Time you woke up from your own alien-inspired dream and faced the real world. It's a lot scarier than any alien I've ever encountered.