Re: Forum without #461 and Parazapper
It wasn't my intention to turn this thread into another spat between us, but I'll give this one more go.
Firstly, if this site is so offensive to your sensibilities, why not launch your own? Or are you simply too afraid to discover for yourself the level of support you'll receive?
Secondly, if things don't pan out the way you expect, at what point will you concede that you have been led up the garden path? After one year? Five? Ten maybe? Will time be the great healer in your case, or will it simply drive you deeper into a vortex of self-delusion, self-pity, and self-justification? Guess only time will tell, but I wish you well just the same. I really do.
Finally, I see no evidence for any loss of power by the 'cartel'. As long as the majority blindly follow the 'men in white coats', it will never happen. Doesn't mean that sites like this one should stop telling the truth about them tho, even if that truth doesn't quite align with yours.