Re: Forum without #461 and Parazapper
I'm afraid you have been gravely misinformed, as usual. Some of the elites were indeed arrested, as you correctly report. But my comptroller, His Royal Efficacious Hydroflax Sargon II, posted bail on 1st January. They're now all out and making good progress regaining lost ground. Your enlightened subject has already been reprogrammed.
You won the battle, but lost the war. It's an old theme, so don't be too disappointed. You'll know we've won when we trash the world economic system, which is basically just one gigantic Ponzi scheme that we constructed for you. The recent news coming out of China is just the first sign of the impending total collapse. Once that's over, we gain full control.
I can assure you my job is secure, and I'll be giving you my undivided attention soon. It's been 365 years since I burned my last witch, and I'm now getting serious withdrawal symptoms. You have been warned.