Bee products, MCT, ALA, GLA
Hi Archus!
I believe all raw bee products are great. Hopefully the source would be low in pesticides (nowadays is there a spot unaffected by pollution and pesticides carried through water - ?) ... same is with organic. I opt for organic, but cannot stop to wonder about the fact that to stisfy the label requirements now they have to only prove/declare that they did not put INTENTIONALLY pesticides (what about un-intentionally?)
I use honey and bee pollen. I want to try other like royal gelly. Bee wax is great for homemade balms.
MCT is medium chain triglycerides, ALA is alpha-lipoic-acid and GLA - gamma-linolenic-acid. The first found in coconut oil or isolates, is a energy booster, the second I know is found in supps (I don't know which foods, actually - I think coconut too) is a powerful anti-oxydants and GLA is anti-inflammatory, the highest content I found is in Evening primerose oil. Of course, if the whole plant product is available, I always opt for it, but if not I carefully check reviews, labels and my own body reactions before committing to use something. Of course, as you say, labels can be often misguiding. For one, I try not to use mixes, or if I do they have to be proven - like the Tangy Tangerine drink. Further, I do not fall for the word "natural" it means nothing nowadays. I opt for organic supps, and I look for the notion "virgin cold-pressed organic" coconut oil. Same for
OO (Olive-Oil) but I have a certain disgust for it after zealously flushing this year. But there is also the double guess, so I tend to never stop being vigilant about products and their labels -- we live in world where you can't put your guard down even for simple shopping, if you want to be safe.
In my previous post my main idea was that fat taken with carbs will impede carbs assimilation, therefor the feeling of low energy after such meal. Although, not all fats are made equal, and we need the good ones, consumed apart from carbs to build our cell walls and the whole nervous system. Obviously, someone eating "natural carbs" with no fat (it means basically boiling, pouching or steaming, if not raw) and getting fats apart - but not exactly the right ones, may benefit BSugar levels, but will be again far from optimal health. MS is linked to insufficient or bad fats and a multitude of other inflammatory diseases.
A book I like for the grain-vigilance element is "The Grain-brain". Obviously if bad combining takes place, avocado+ carrots would be best of the offenders and fried meat+fries made in canola or safflower oil (the heating will create hydrogenated and trans fats, which both inhibit cell work) or hydrogenated Palm (it inevitably has to trans-fat formation) would be the worse of offenders.
Best is to consume fats in the whole products like raw nuts, coconut, avocado, flax seeds and different other plants and herbs, as nature intended for us. A label "natural" and any processing ought to be avoided if best health is our goal. Sorry to be a proponent for no-cooking or certain "left-wing" diet philosophy :) I am right, though. Lol.
Thank you for asking, Archus; I feel ppl here get a lot of benefits from fasting. Afterward many fall back into bad habits, or food-philosophies that are quite not keeping them away from similar troubles.