I am confident that you will beat the Diabetes! :)
I will look at the scientific article.
I would recommend to read, if you haven't done it already, about the good stuff: Omega-3, MCT, ALA, GLA, coconut, avocado and raw nuts, while avoiding all processed oils, especially non-cold-pressed ones, even more so heated above 40
Celsius degree, oils of any kind. And even more so if you mix them with carbs, since the fats stop the Insulin from doing its work on carbs.
My relative had the diet controlling her diabetes for a good 15-20 years, then had to use diabetic-pills, oral therapy for the last 10 years of her life, and Insuline for the the last couple of years. Controlling the fats and avoiding concentrated sugars, as in honey was not sufficient to keep her BSugar in normal range. I also believe, that gluten-and-like substances may have triggered additionally a Type 1 over type 2 diabetes, since she had other auto-immunes signs, such as vitiligo, and pernicious anemia. Had she switched to totally raw, I am positive she would have been still alive and well, sigh ...
I am glad your family is fine, health-wise. I would argue, though, that people eating things like bread are not in their best-possible-health; the mere absence of obvious disease is not a proof of health.
I know about Dr McDougall, watched him many times on youtube. He is not very good with healing arthritis, and other diseases, but excells when weight-loss is a key-element ... which reinforces my conviction that the type of carbs is important. Also my body signs are quiet compelling - I get inflammation and mucus, regardless of the cooked carbs, especially if they are refined as in white rice, the most with wheat-and-likes but not with fruits and carrots and other sweet raw food. I am not trying to convince you to get raw-vegan, although this is my joureny ... and I believe you can find inspiration watching the "liferegenerator" or "raw christina" on youtube - both young and vibrant ppl, who had beaten serious conditions through raw food.
Sugar is a substance that we can call achemical and only D-molecule (e.g. sucrose, D-glucose, Dextrose, some of these are synonyms; D-fructose as in high-fructose corn syrup used in ketchup and the whole fast-food and fried-garbage industry). D-molecule-only substance is unnatural to the body and puts a big strain on the
Sugar metabolism; it also feeds Cancer! Nature-made sugars are mix of L- and D- molecules and are processed by the body so much better (AS IN FRUITS, HONEY, MAPPLE SYRUP, AGAVE - not to go too heavy on the honey and syrup, though, if history of diabetes!); fruit sugars like L-fructose/D-fructose mix doesn't even require Insuline to be used to feed the cells.
I would also get to know a little more about Gluten and the damage it can induce.
On my side this is one of the main culprits, not so much the fats, but the fats somewhat, as well. My conditions started when 19 year old and eating European diet with a lot of fresh stuff, but also high in bread. Bread is not natural, gluten can be a slow insidious killer, induce all sort of auto-immune or inflammatory conditions, and so much so the Glyphosate-roundup-BT-toxin agriculture can be deadly (or make you old fast) in the long run ...
To end this on a positive note, we are on the right track and here are plenty of supporters to brighten our journey :)