Re: Coffee enema good to bad
I don't want to give away too much of my esoteric secrets but here is something to consider.
In chinese medicine there is a word for the energetic contraction of the gall bladder. It is a strong/violent contractive energy.
What you want to do with bitters/CE/
Liver Flush is mimic this type of contraction. This is why the
Liver Flush is the best of the three because it forces the strongest contractions, retraining the gall bladder to do its job.
coffee enemas are seond best as the stronger the more contractions.
Weak bitters are good for healthy people but not for sick people as they will not generate enough stimulation. Strong bitters are best.
In all three cases when you stimulate contraction on a clogged system - it doesn't feel good at all, so you have to work on decongesting as well.
This is one area where Wilson and co. have really buried their heads in the sand. Chinese medicinal herbs have been around forever to help with this task. Sure a lot of them are probably contaminated with toxins, but not ALL of them.
Not to mention the fact that Wilson throws around the Yin and Yang words everywhere but then casually dismisses 3-4? thousand years of herbal tradition.