I dont know what to think anymore, i just know there is a limit that i can take, if my energys and wellbeing go too much down i cant then follow Nb simply becouse i need energy to make the foods ,the cooked vegetables which is allready hard job to me. I dont understand quite how NB assume that somebody me or other have the necessery energy to proceed the Nb all the way for months and months, becouse not everyone have, so what after that ? It just seems like very brutal approach and taking risk with health. i just feel like being on nutrional defiency , and as in my wiew ,health issues pop in when person get nutrional defyencys and toxic stuff, the mobilizing effect alone in body will automatically cause displace effect on to good nutrients,when heavy metals displace them, that aint healthy in my wiew, and so wonder why NB wont take that on account and level up all nutrients so body could at least have all the nutrients ?
Nobody either really validate my health status, my therapist live in another country and has not even see me, so it might be too easy to therapist fail to even see how bad my health is. So , i feel there is in real world many many variations like is different people with different health issues, but NB seems think their patented solution fits to all cases with no risk ?I had for weeks now feeling that there is no progres on emotional or any level, in the start there was quite powerfull mind/emotional reactions, but not for longtime anymore,it could be that by body cant just handle all the toxings and i get stuck with the NB ,only recircling toxings mostly,maybe..i wish i know.
The coffee enema issue is a big one now .I am not sute but, if i have understand right, the way coffee enema so much help is also becouse it prevent our body to re-use bile, and cause it to excrete with all the other stuff, and in normal situation without CE body re-use bile many times,which in clean world would be okey, but in persons with alot toxings it means that the toxing with the bile are also become sucked up back to body causing retoxification, so CE stops that cycle and escort most of the stuff out fast, if i remember right body can re use bile 8-10 times, so we are talking about huge difference in what CE or without about where the bile ends up. So as someone here said, i might just mobilize toxings without CE and possible go to even worse health condition. I also have stomach pain still so i feel like i risk my health here when follow just NB only.
I done some anti-parasite stuff before entering NB , diatomaceous earth, classic herbs,zapper so migh kill few parasites,but not really know my current parasite status. I stopped using zapper becouse i dont know is it safe with people who might have lots of copper or other heavy metals,and i also seems to feel worse near electronic devises,so maybe electrycity is not for everyone.
me i dont know nothing, and too tired now to much think this, brain foggy day and lack of energy.I dont like facebook, so i doubt of joing the nb facebook group, thanks for invite still. I wish they had other platform than FB , which force you to have your real indentity in internet , sorry i am just so fed up to all big brother NSA,google watching, i even had the pleasure of having my local police hearing my phone for months, and they just afterwards tell me being sorry and me being wrong target lol .
I do feel like the picture Wilson trys to give about NB is too rosy, too perfect scenario and wont not telling the other side of the coin ,i might be wrong, i hope i am wrong, but in this moment i have doubts.