Re: New member. Long time sufferer of adrenal issues. Your help would be a godsend.
Joe, thanks so much for the reply. lots of info.
ive tried lithium orotate, and it didn't do much for me. most supplements/medications can provoke anxiety in me. theres only a couple of things that haven't, but they didn't do much overall for my mood/anxiety level.
I haven't had my pregnenolone or progesterone tested. I did a salivary cortisol test last month, im going to call them tomorrow and see if I pay them more money if they will release all of the results of my tests if they still have them (since I only payed to see the results of only cortisol)
let me ask you, you mentioned the liver. im a recovering alcoholic, and its been 3 years, but the last time I saw a doctor (about 2 years ago or more), they told me my liver enzymes were elevated. I suspect I still have somewhat of a liver issue. the acupuncturist I went to see said the liver is the body part that produces anger. interestingly enough, im always angry! lol.
just wondering what your opinion is.
I don't have health insurance right now, so its hard for me to see a doc and get medicated. just trying to see what else is out there right now. let me know! thanks so much!