Re: Help this paranoid mom!!!
In todays toxic world no telling what you are contending with but here is how I helped a lady some years back get free of Morgellons. It starts very gently with a detox bath from a company called Miracle ll, they only produce five products. Draw a bath as hot as you are comfortable with, put one ounce each of this Moisturizing soap and one ounce of their water product called the Neutralizer, get in and just soak, 30 minutes is ideal. Towel off and apply their moisturizing lotion over as much of you as you can as this will continue the detox at a much subtler level and go to bed. Almost everyone who does this report a great nights sleep as their toxic load has been greatly reduced. I also suggest that you leave that first bath water overnight so you can see what came out of you. I get my M-ll products from a company called as the y don't charge for shipping if you order more than $65. They offer a starter kit with all five of the M-ll products and in their smallest size. This way you don't have to much out there if you are not happy but they do offer two larger sizes for people like me who are familiar and long time user like me, I buy in gallons and have been using their products for over 15 years now. Everyone I love and hold dear in this life gets the Neutralizer in all their water, this includes my dogs and cat. Use the soap to wash every thing with. Incredible stuff and I have performed what many would call miracles with these magical products in people and animals. Your first read about them will likely sound like snake oil as I thought first time, boy was I ever wrong. I don't get sick nor my lady or my animals. Before you ask, I am a self-trained naturopath, not a dr. of any kind and got this way when no one in any for of medicine knew how to help my late wife with the benzene induced insulin dependent diabetes. Back to the detox bath, I would suggest that you take at least 6 baths in 7 days, twice a day if you can manage it and keep doing the baths til you see results. There is more to share about the other things to this protocol but the bath is the first most important thing I can share with you. If you do a search on M-ll just know that not many places that sell the product know how to help you, they just sell. I was blessed to have a lot of one on one time with the founder and probably know more about M-ll than anyone you are likely to meet. Will be happy to share more if you wish. And if you'd like to see and hear me, please visit my four minute youtube video of me demonstrating the Heart Pressure Point Technique, just type in those four words and enjoy getting a gift of life.