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Healing leaky gut via flushing and vegetarian diet.
Heavensky Views: 4,173
Published: 9 y

Healing leaky gut via flushing and vegetarian diet.

When I look over the protocols called for healing leaky gut, I am noticing quite a few things that are either just fighting symptoms or making things worse.

I do agree that anything irritating to the gut need to be taken out of the diet including nuts, seeds, nightshades, dairy, corn, gluten, alcohol etc.

However, killing off parasites, yeast, candida, and taking in high volumes of animal proteins doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me if the liver is still highly congested.

If the liver is still congested, and we intake lots of animal products and kill off the parasites, yeast etc, we are setting the precondition for even more of these critters to inhabit our bodies, which have proven to drill holes through our intestines.

All animal products contain lots of parasites and are more often than not, high in Antibiotic components that would depopulate good bacteria and require 'bad' bacteria to come in to break down all of this animal flesh that is rotting and putrefying in the digestive tract.

The practitioners who I respect and take their advice seriously like Andreas, have repeated several times that these 'bad' bacteria and critters have an important purpose, which is to break up and consume undigested waste material in our bodies. As long as you are coming up short on bile output, causing the intestines to remain dirty and congested, these bacteria are absolutely vital to keeping you clean enough to prevent further intoxication, deeper in the body tissues. Every time we kill off these critters without pulling a rug out from under the root cause, like bile duct congestion, you allow this toxicity to sit and rot for even longer periods of time .. and they will just return in higher numbers next time anyhow.

I understand that collagen fiber is necessary to seal the gut back closed, but I feel that once the liver is truly clean and outputting proper volumes of bile that the body will regain enough strength, energy and vitality to heal itself no matter what.

Because the modern diet is already poisoned with extreme levels of protein, I wouldn't imagine the body is running low in this resource, and can use these other storages of collagen for the healing of the gut when necessary.


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