Where to buy n-butyric acid, & about borax
I bought it from ebay from a fishing supplier. Can be a bit better than the buffered pill supplements..
20 ml bottle, N-butyric acid, between 10-15 bucks. I mixed some borax (sodium tetra borate) water solution ( recipie:
http://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html ), then put 15 ml of that in a dropper bottle I have, and added 6 drops butyric acid to the borax solution.
I've been making 1 drop per 0.5 liters of water my rule of thumb since I've been having candida issues this spring.
N-butyric acid is definately a sweet flavor, and smells like stinky cheese- for some people, like vomit. Trust me, the ingredients of a barf are muuuuch different.
The borax is the more troublesome of the two, giving light tension aches about the brain and drying out the skin.
It changes the sodium/calcium/magnesium/chloride ratio inside the bloodstream temporarily, and if you end up on a pee-spree for a few hours, you've just used too much borax solution. Keeping food-based magnesium (only one that does not feed candidiasis/bad gut bugs is magnesium Taurate, Douglas Labs' is best) and good
Sea Salt levels up are a proper part of the balancing act.
The two together are one of the multiple ways to approach candidiasis.