Mine started 8 years ago with a bad break and stress stress ever since then. My thyroid was the first to slow down. To make a long story short I started to go through perimenopause and a doctor gave me hormones that messed me up so bad I thought I was going to die. There was a couple of months there I couldn't get out of bed much. I was down to a size one with many similar symptoms you have now and the list is to long to go through here at once. I am about 90% recovered. You have been going through fight or flight. Yes you need to relax big time but you need more help doing it. One really important thing is your neurotransmitter You need to help replenish the happy amino acids you have lost during all the stress. Look into buying a book called "The Mood Cure." It is also hugely important you have to stop worrying about your health because that has a huge impact you your health. I had to stop getting on the scale, looking in the mirror and cringing when my hair fell out. Every little thing that bothers you is causing your body to release cortisol that it needs to use for energy. That is why you see people get worse or not heal. We are already stressed then it starts effecting our health. Then we start feaking out more about our health and that start using up our bodies resources even more. The naturalpath will help with healing but find someone that also deals with amino acids and nuerotramitters or read the book. I am so sorry your going through this but it too will pass. Hang in there and concentrate on being happy in know it's hard. Let me know if you need more information.