The whole point in not to get you to "to revel in the bounty". It really is to help you succeed in you weightloss by getting you to see that without the follow up of diet and exercise the Master-Cleanse will be just like any other actual weightloss diet out there and that you will gain the weight back faster than you realize if you don't follow up. What you do after the Master-Cleanse is an integral part of the benfits you get from the Master-Cleanse irregardless of your reason for doing the MC.
The need to chew is actually on of the tough hurdles in any fast. Hang tough. I know that for me on all my MCs if I hung tough till after the 4th day it was gravy after that cept for the ocassinal headache and I was always able to get rid of those by guzzling a quart of water on the onset. Also if I ever got some kinda strong urge fro chewing or whatever that trust quart of water would get me through.