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Re: Thanks guys - good advice!
pepe Views: 1,988
Published: 20 y
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Re: Thanks guys - good advice!

There have been several articles on Quivers. I don't keep up with celebrity gossip rags and only happen to have read something on her because of all the desperate weightloss cacklers that inundated this forum when some of the articles came out. The articles I happen to glance at I read that she did it on the sugestion of David Blaine the street magician guy cause of life threatening IBS like problems. The other article I saw was completly about weightloss with >>no<< mention at all of her illness.

I doubt it very very seriously that she lost 70 lbs in a continous
7 week MC. From what I gather she did several 21 day MCs >>>>>>>ALONG WITH<<<<<< a radical change in diet. I can just about guarantee you that had she not changed her eating habits that she woulda put the weight back on and then some.

From my own experience of 3 long MCs (40/28/21) and 3 years hanging around this forum on and off and having read of hundreds perhaps thousand of personal account I can tell you that unless someone is morbidly obese to the tune of 150 lbs or more of overweight that it is not possible to loose 70 lbs in a 7 week continuous MC. Even being morbidly obese I still doubt that 70 lbs is 7 weeks is not likely. Add to that that loosing that much weight that fast is not healthy and your body would be a quivering mass of loose tissue.

The metabolic rate lowering on any fast is a fact Jack. From my persoanl experience and 3 years worth or reading personal accounts you will find that the fastest weightloss on the Master-Cleanse happens at the begining both because of emptying the bowels and because the bodys metabolism has not slowed down enough. As you go longer on any fast, while you will loose weight, the rate of loss drops dramatically with days or several days at a time of no weightloss whatsover if your body goes through a healing crisis. This has been well documented in this forum. FYI I only lost 20 lbs on my 40 day Master-Cleanse and thats even adding a 6 mile a day bike ride after the second week. The rides weren't just liesurely pedaling around either, I was humping it and everyday I would beat my previous time and after that I started adding more miles even with all that, 20lbs in 40 days bada boom bada bim. Think or believe what you want about celebrity articles. There are thousands of real life personal accounts on this forum that will verify what I'm telling you.

You are only speaking in quantities and amounts and you mention nothing of quality. Lower caloric intake to loose weight without taking account the quality of the food you are eating is just plain unhealthy. Quick weightloss no matter how its achived it's not only unhealthy but very hard to maintain without a lot of focused effort. Why do you think there's sucha huge "diet industry"? It' because they fail cause they don't efficise the maintenance after the diet enough and appeal to the quick fix mentality of desperate people that all they think about is the weight issue and numbers on a scale.

Succesfull weightloss will take time focus and determination and the realization that the weight is only an manifeatation of many other possible causes and that one must look at the root of the matter first and foremost. When I say the root I also don't mean any one specific thing I use it in an all encompasing manner to mean the health of the whole being.

The healthy way to go is to stop thinking about all this numbers nonsense, scales and weight loss mentality and realize that nothing and I do mean nothing in your system works independent of anything else and that one must think of the total being and long term planning in order to ultimately succeed.


There have been several articles on Quivers. I don't keep up with celebrity crap and only happen to have read something on her because of all the desperate weightloss cacklers that inundated this forum when some of the articles came out. The articles I happen to glance at I read that she did it on the sugestion of David Blaine the street magician guy cause of life threatening IBS like problems. The other article I saw was completly about weightloss with >>no<< mention at all of her illness.

I doubt it very very seriously that she lost 70 lbs in a continous
7 week MC. From what I gather she did several 21 day MCs >>>>>>>ALONG WITH<<<<<< a radical change in diet. I can just about guarantee you that had she not changed her eating habits that she woulda put the weight back on and then some.

From my own experience of 3 long MCs (40/28/21) and 3 years hanging around this forum on and off and having read of hundreds perhaps thousand of personal account I can tell you that unless someone is morbidly obese to the tune of 150 lbs or more of overweight that it is not possible to loose 70 lbs in a 7 week continuous MC. Even being morbidly obese I still doubt that 70 lbs is 7 weeks is not likely. Add to that that loosing that much weight that fast is not healthy and your body would be a quivering mass of loose tissue.

The metabolic rate lowering on any fast is a fact Jack. From my persoanl experience and 3 years worth or reading personal accounts you will find that the fastest weightloss on the Master-Cleanse happens at the begining both because of emptying the bowels and because the bodys metabolism has not slowed down enough. As you go longer on any fast, while you will loose weight, the rate of loss is drops dramatically with days or several days at a time of no weightloss whatsover if your body goes through a healing crisis. This has been well documented in this forum. FYI I only lost 20 lbs on my 40 day MC and thats even adding a 6 mile a day bike ride after the second week. The rides weren't just liesurely pedaling around either, I was humping it and everyday I would beat my previous time and after that I started adding more miles even with all that, 20lbs in 40 days bada boom bada bim. Think or believe what you want about celebrity articles. There are thousands of real life personal accounts on this forum that will verify what I'm telling you.

You are only speaking in quantities and amounts and you mention nothing of quality. Lower caloric intake to loose weight without taking account the quality of the food you are eating is just plain unhealthy. Quick weightloss no matter how its achived it's not only unhealthy but very hard to maintain without a lot of focused effort. Why do you think there's sucha huge "diet industry"? It' because they fail cause they don't efficise the maintenance after the diet enough and appeal to the quick fix mentality of desperate people that all they think about is the weight issue and numbers on a scale.

Succesfull weightloss will take time focus and determination and the realization that the weight is only an manifeatation of many other possible causes and that one must look at the root of the matter first and foremost. When I say the root I also don't mean any one specific thing I use it in an all encompasing manner to mean the health of the whole being.

The healthy way to go is to stop thinking about all this numbers nonsense, scales and weight loss mentality and realize that nothing and I do mean nothing in your system works independent of anything else and that one must think of the total being and long term planning in order to ultimately succeed.



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