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Re: More on we are not gods
saywhatagain Views: 1,320
Published: 11 y
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Re: More on we are not gods

Okay, but in what way are people children of God or children of the devil. In my view, when it says they are the "children of God" in these scriptures, to me that means that they have become rightful heirs, but in another sense they were always children of God (created by God and life breathed into them by God). When they are children of the devil, they are rejecting their rightful place as children of God (what we all actually are), they reject the truth.

In one sense, we are all children of the devil because we are born into a fallen, sinful state of existence, until we receive the grace of God and become His children, but realistically we were always His children. Satan has no power of creation and cannot breath life into someone, so Satan could never be a true father to any being, Satan is only the father of lies, deception and all evil. Satan can never be the actual father of any soul because Satan has no real power. Do you believe that Satan has the power of God, that he is able to create and give life to man?


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