Yeah, I'm super careful because im afraid of coughing something up. I haven't seen anything but gross mucous, but it's the microscopic stuff that is a threat. If i cough a worm up I'd lose my mind.
This whole thing gave me an idea... I should be recording all my doctor visits to make a YouTube channel about how doctors are failing us all.
People keep saying about contacting the news and media, but before I go that far, I would like to have a positive and exact ID... *if* that is even possible. They threw out a container with perfect samples all because it was contaminated from being in the toilet and not the thing the give you to poop in that you sit on yhe toilet seat... and because the containers weren't sterile. That was bullshit. Being in the toilet or in a styrofoam cup and tupperwear container doesn't change the fact that it was still worms. It doesn't change them physically, so who cares what they are in or if its not sterile. Bacteria isnt the problem!