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Re: This is a good article if you have hang ups either way.
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Published: 11 y
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Re: This is a good article if you have hang ups either way.

Trying to turn it round on someone else AGAIN. Its always a sign of failure and weakness, when you a person cant find a way out, so they attempt to divert the attention on to someone else, I dont see wiredgeneration rowing with anyone from his posts, and to be honest, he is actually quite supportive on the AF board recently with many educational posts being rated by the moderators.

So overall, a very poor show old chap.

And STILL thread mining instead of accepting you are wrong. Do you ever get bored? You do realise how silly you look right? hence why every poster is having to ball you out (dosent seem to happen to anyone else.

As the above said, see the pattern boy


You cannot win when you are wrong, it really is that simple. Be a man, accept defeat, move on.

Enjoy your soughdough bread, (ill be posting your diet plan when I get back with screen shots, can't wait)


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