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Re: This is a good article if you have hang ups either way.

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: This is a good article if you have hang ups either way.

 Now I see the problem. Your interpretation of the term Adrenal Fatigue means that the Adrenal Glands are fatigued when actually the more popular intent of the phrase is to mean "fatigue resulting from stress on the Adrenal Glands". The person feels the fatigue.

By the way, if a person becomes fatigued, it doesn't mean they're not functioning anymore, i.e. that they are dead. So either way you spin it, Wilson didn't contradict himself.

""There's no question that fatigue is at least partly due to the interactions between the brain and the adrenal glands," he said. But it's a "gross oversimplification" of the origins of fatigue, he said, to imply that the adrenals are a major cause.Dr. Daniel Clauw, director of the Chronic Pain and Research Center at the University of Michigan. (from the article). Again referring to the fatigue experienced by the individual.

"Shortly after the ceiling of her new business collapsed, Wilayto, 33, suffered from chronic sinus infections and troubling fatigue. Her skin broke out, she ached and she couldn't sleep despite feeling exhausted. When conventional doctors couldn't help, she turned to a holistic physician, who ran blood tests and told her she was anemic and vitamin-deficient, and that her adrenals were working overtime to regulate her body."

Notice it's always about the fatigue of the individual not about the fatigue of the adrenal glands.

Again, even Dr. Weil, who you cited as denouncing the existence of Adrenal Fatigue, in the same breath said "Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin present in most animal and plant tissues. It is one of the essential B vitamins, known to help support adrenal function, help calm and maintain a healthy nervous system, and facilitate key metabolic processes, including helping to turn food into energy."
So he does not agree with you that supplements for adrenal support are a waste of money.  However, I don't necessarily have the same sentiment as Dr Weil, which you don't either.


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