Firstly Nat, you just have an insensitive style that irritates people. This has to be why you get banned from support forums. You can't go into a Candida support forum and expect that no one will react negatively when you tell everyone that there's no such condition, and everyone who thinks they have Candidiasis is just malnourished. You can't possibly draw that conclusion from a few sellect posts. Now you can see what's happening in medicine with the Human Microbiome Project. Candidiasis is a real, real thing, and if Candida Albicans is not the predominant organism causing digestive issues affecting overall health, it could very be a different organism, such as Candida Parapsilosis, Staph Aureus, Psuedomonas Aeruginosa. You've often said that oral thrush and Vaginal yeast infections are the only manifestations of Candida Albicans overgrowth, but where do you think that these organisms are coming from? They're more likely growing from the "inside out" as opposed to from the "outside in", it's just that doctors have no means of testing this. If it's overgrown into the mouth and out of the rectum and into the vagina, then the logical conclusion is that it is overgrown throughout the GI tract since the mouth and rectum are at each end.
But even with all this new science emerging, you still won't admit that it exists calling it "pseudoscience". The NIH held a Conference last September in Bethesda, MD, called "Inflammation, Microbiota and Cancer"
The intestinal microbiota are being linked to more and more diseases every day, yet you were in a support forum giving diagnoses to people who could have serious intestinal dysbiosis issues and telling them to drop all of their supplements and eat 80-10-10. That's dangerous! You must realize it, and no one is going to tolerate it. If you want to see some of the posts that you put up telling people to drop what they're doing and eat more carbs, I'll help you find them when I have time.
If this is what you mean by "getting on your case" then yes, I'm getting on your case, before someone gets really sick. But I don't resort to personal attacks unless I'm personally attacked, and even then, it takes a lot of prodding.
Look at what you're doing now. You are calling some unknown person "Feo". I don't know if you realize it, but "feo" in Spanish means "ugly". If someone wants to use that as their username, that's one thing, but I don't see anyone here with that name, so you could be making a very big mistake.
If you go onto a support forum, and instead of providing support, you denounce the condition, you don't belong there. You belong on a debate forum. That's why you've rightly been relegated to debate forums. Imagine walking into a church and standing up and saying, "hey everybody, I just want to let you all know that God doesn't exist, so you're all wasting your time". Firstly, few in that church are going to agree with you, and secondly, you probably aren't going to be welcome in that church if you do that a second time.
It's a risk you decided to take when you took your debate into a support forum. I really think you could have pulled it off, if you had been open minded, but you were absolutely definitive on your diagnoses of these individuals and went as far as to potentially and grossly mislead them.