Re: Body odor make my life dark!I hate my life!I am cursed!
I'm going through a similar thing. I've had fecal
Body Odor for about 8 years. I am young and I would like to think of myself as an attractive girl. But this problem ruins everything. Its literally taken away part of my child hood and all of my teenage years, now its starting to take over my adult life. Its really taken over all of my life in every aspect. I've had people ridicule me and just treat me like complete crap because of this. I've seen the cruelness in a lot of people and I see how fast they turn malicious when they find out I have this problem; it really makes it hard to trust people. This condition has made me very depressed. I basically just stay home and try to avoid being around people, and I hate that because if I were normal I would want nothing more than to be around people. But I've had so many dark experiences because of this problem that I'm pretty sure to be frank its screwed me up mentally; my
Depression is just awful. I can't even do simple tasks like grocery shopping without panicking because I have to be near others. We shouldn't have to live this way, its very hard. But I am trying to get rid of this, I'm doing cleanses, I'm changing my diet, I'm exercising, I'm going to doctors, and drinking plenty of water. I will try my best to get rid of this and I wish you the best in trying to get rid of this too.