Hi Wish,
It's Surfer27 here. A little while ago, I sent you a text wondering if you have made any progress with your fecal Body Odor , or whatever odor it was. I did come across a certain post that did stick out to me!! It was a post, by the username Stinkbum. In this post he explained how to everyone, he constantly smelled like feces, farts and other horrible odors. He also mentioned that when he took this rhubarb root formula, that when he was around other people, they weren't making faces at him, or were the children he was around. Just thought, I'd mention this as, I know you and I and others, are all desperately looking for a cure!!! I thought, maybe this would help. If you have a chance to do this, I would suggest you google health benefits of rhubarb root and see if it fits into any of your symptoms. It does cleanse and purify the blood, kidneys, liver and the bowel of unknown things. Check it out and let me know what you think. Okay, take care and I will talk to you later. Bye for now.