After taking a probiotic that contained b. subtilis (and others) for a month and a half, I started having severe diarrhea at every bowel movement. This has lasted over a month now. I have been doing natural treatments for parasites (fresh garlic cloves, Black-Walnut extract, Wormwood extract, and cloves) for a week now with no improvement. However, having already been on the probiotic for a month and a half, it seems doubtful that it would be a parasite anyway. (Also, stupidly, I followed the advice of an article that said you can never have too much probiotics, and took twice the recommended dosage for about a week.) So if the b. subtilis is destroying my insides, and nothing will kill it, what do I do? Is there a chance this will kill me? I know enemas are bad because they clear out good bacteria, but if that's my only option to keep from dying from this I'm willing to try it. I'm also worried because I have now caught a cold/flu type virus from my boyfriend and I was already feeling weak from the month of diarrhea. Please offer any advice you can.