Re: trapper
if you are looking for sources to educate yourself on the topic of "travelling the thoroughfares" (just one of the infinite rights by virtue of birth and as enumerated in the original Constitution, 1791), versus the legal requirements for "operating a motor vehicle", let me know, I can refer you to some. This is yet another deep rabbit hole to drop down into and investigate if you are so inclined, and falls under the general/broad topic of "sovereignty". I fell into this rabbit hole about a year ago, and have been continually fascinated in reading/learning about it ever since. Becoming educated on the broad topic of personal sovereignty and the many other issues & rabbit holes therein is synomomous with becoming educated on specific pieces of history, especially the past 100-200 years history as it pertains to money, politics and that ephemeral thing we call law. Clue - driver's license, plates, registration, and such are only required by law for those using a motor vehicle for engaging in commerce - IE> profit. Just like the mythical law that says the average american who earns a paycheck from labor/work must pay taxes, there is no such law. In fact, the reward for anyone who can specfically show such law is currently up to around $400,000.
One thing leads to another, the ankle bone is connected to the leg bone is eventually connected to a bone that's connected to the head bone. There is on fairly recent advocate of sovereignty that will very much enlighten you to the real and present differences between travelling in your car, versus driving IE> operating a motor vehicle. The advocate's name is Brad Lee Barnhill. Here is a link to the web site he origianlly started, named My Personal Odyssey, and chronicled over a period of several years and still running. You will read of his adventures of being terrorized by what we know as "the courts, highway police and other authorities" because he chose to educate himself and know the difference, and he begand travelling in his car, without a license plate, without a driver's license, without a social security number (the system for inventoring human flesh, as he says), on and on an on. Along the way, he racked up, oh, I don't know, conservatively speaking, a dozen or so separate courte cases spanning several states/jurisdictions across this country, all of which he also educated himself on how to DEFEND HIMSELF without hiring a lawyer. (having/hiring a lawyer and having a sovereign existance are generally mutually exclusive).
Please make free use of this link and the various resources (some now broken links, but many still operating). You will need to use the generic password Brad set up for anyone to make the best use of this.
Username for login is - PersonalOdysseyGuest, Password is - guest
This is explained at the link above. Have fun!