Re: To Natway: Undereating???
Mark Hyman, MD: How Malnutrition Causes Obesity
Americans are overfed and undernourished. That's right, the most obese children and adults in the country are also the most nutritionally deficient (1)!
How can those two things possibly co-exist?
The mistake is to think that if you eat an abundance of calories, your diet automatically delivers all the nutrients your body needs. But the opposite is true. The more processed food you eat, the more vitamins you need. That's because vitamins and minerals lubricate the wheels of our metabolism, helping the chemical reactions in our bodies run properly. Among those biochemical processes greased by nutrients is the regulation of Sugar and burning of fat. The problem is that the standard American diet (SAD) is energy dense (too many calories) but nutrient poor (not enough vitamins and minerals). Too many "empty calories" confuse the metabolism and pack on the pounds.
From everything I researched, the more stress you have, the more wholesome calories you need for your body and mind to be able to handle the stress. But stress can suppress your appetite causing under-eating and then binge eating on bad foods. People also under-eat when their lives get too busy to eat enough and eat properly. That's what happened to me when I look back.
Under-eating can cause hypoglycemia:
"AF" is not an accepted condition by conventional medicine and the symptoms of "AF" are exactly the same as under-eating:
Under-eating can cause low-thyroid and low-thyroid can cause weight gain by causing your metabolism to slow down.
Anorexia or bulimia. People with eating disorders are at risk for hypothyroidism. In these patients, however, reduced thyroid function may be an adaptation to malnutrition and, therefore, some experts think that only the eating disorder should be treated, not hypothyroidism.
Surprising Reasons Some Women Can't Lose Weight
An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) disrupts your metabolism, as well as many other aspects of your health.
Besides weight gain or an inability to lose weight, you may notice fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, joint pain, muscle weakness, heavy periods, increased sensitivity to cold, and even depression. Many people with low-grade hypothyroidism just feel off, with no obvious signs of being truly sick.
Low-fat diets are the easiest to accidentally under-eat on because they are lower in calories, so you have to eat quite a bit more in volume to make up the difference, but if your life is hectic and busy, it's really hard to eat enough on a low-fat diet.
Cows and horses have to eat all day long. All non-carnivores do. It's our nature.
Everyone has candida. It naturally lives in all of us. It's the claims that candida blooms out of control and causes every known symptom to man that is hogwash and is really malnutrition, which I showed: