Re: Girl loses 100lbs by eating 4000+ carb calories!
What does the mayo clinic think about 'toxic hunger' lol.
Seriously though, don't you see the irony in that you are a) not supporting anyone here at all b) you went on and on with your own made up illness toxic hunger, and yet adrenal fatigue or adrenal problems are an easily quantifiable medical condition with standard saliva and urine tests.
I think you should be banned from life and barring that at least any support forum.
Your arguments are so loosely connected with reality that one has to wonder if you yourself are connected at all to reality.
You whipped everyone up into a frenzy here, probably intentionally, with a post about losing weight, which has zero to do with adrenal fatigue. And then you use this a platform for your wacky theory that adrenal fatigue does not exist.
Time for the moderators to ban you.
I won't waste any time trying to explain to you that just because two conditions share similar symptoms, it does not mean they are the same thing. You should have learned this in 3rd grade.
I think that you live with your parents and do not hold a normal job in the real world. And, you are innaturlly fixated on trying to get everyone to use iphone apps to count calories. Sounds like a budding new type of i-illness from the iPhone generation.
I like the other posters who called you out on the blatant lies, where you try to say that you have adrenal fatigue and yet it doesn't exist.
Ever see the monty python movie with the line 'if she weighs the same as a witch then she's a witch', that's what you remind me of. If you are secretly chuckling to yourself then good you have trolled a forum with really sick people. Otherwise if you have a shred of seriousness to your posts then you should seek mental help.
For every person who loses weight eating bananas there are people losing 100
pounds eating a lot of coconut oil and butter.
Have a hamburger or something, get some vitamin b in you.