I can see that it might seem to you that I am trying to shoot down everything you say, but that is not the case at all. Our discussion is a learning experience for me also as I have had intestinal problems for years. I have had several bouts with Ulcerative Colitis over the years. The first two times I knocked it out by doing extended water fasts. I'm not suggesting that this approach would be your answer because I think my problem was More of the immune system being aggravated at my diet and lifestyle.
I also had motivation to try anything other than the doctors recomendation of cutting out the offending colon, and fitting me with a bag to be worn on my side to deficate in. I was able to get rid of UC for quite a few years, but it returned because I still hadn't change my eating and lifestyle. Got rid of it the second time for years, only to have it return again. It's been years after another fast, and this time I have made an effort , plus I take heavy duty probiotics. All this happened in the last 40 years.