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Re: anyone on disability?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

trapper/kcmo Views: 2,205
Published: 19 y
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Re: anyone on disability?

i was unable to function at all and could not get SS because i was too sick and too insane to get it. i was too stubborn to get a lawyer. i went through the entire process and i tell you this - i was entitled to 1350 a month for the last 6 years or so and didnt get it. so much for entitlements. i have had no income. my children have suffered. my wife has had the entire burden put on her.

i envision that my progress would have been quicker if i had gotten SS because i would have had money to work with, especially for non traditional treatments, etc. but not getting SS was a godsend. it would have forced me into the world of the medicos and i would have gotten worse instead of better. in fact, not getting SS is part of what allowed me to stand up to those creeps and say hey, youre trying to kill me! i fired them all, which i could never have done while on SS.

bottom line is, the system lies to the average worker out there that if they get too sick to work in this great country then you have paid into a disability system which will help you along. you have to be old or have a terminal illness before it kicks in easy. and then there is all the social engineering that gets done with this money. i am quite sure tptb concentrate the disabled in areas and spread them out in others as a matter of policy, not on the merits of an individual case.

i found out for a fact that it is almost impossible to get SS in alaska before retirement age. that is not a place they want a lot of what i am sure they see as dead weight. i knew people who were diagnosed with terminal cancer and they had those people in tears before their bullsht inquiries and they were dead long before they got a check

so now i find myself looking at the whole picture from the other side again and feeling better than i have in years and i tell you i dont want to contribute to their system any more. i dont want to pay SS because i will never need it. i dont want to pay taxes because i dont approve of any of the ways they spend the money. i would just as soon live out in the woods off the land in a tent. one cant even do that these days. its illegal.

so i will have to find a niche somewhere. if i get a good enough tan and dye my hair black, i can get a job under the table almost anywhere!


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