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Re: anyone on disability?
MH 108 Views: 2,365
Published: 19 y
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Re: anyone on disability?

Once hooked on "FREE" money they refuse to be healed in "FEAR" of loosing their "FREE" money, so far 100% of the people I have came accross have been like this.

If you have had your hands and feet damaged otr brain damaged to the point you could not have used a computer, then you are qualified for dissability, the ones that have to get a crooked doctor (which is easy)will "LIE" "CHEAT" and damage their body everytime they have to be checked to qaulify for the next free check.

I could write a book about such people who delibertly harm them selves once hooked on dissabilty $$$, they will fear 100% of anything or anybody who tris to help them get well or healed.

The ones truely damaged have zero problems with dissability. There are lifetime drugs addicts getting free money and free insurance who never worked a day in their lives who have children they don't care for; but enjoy the extra free money for having them.

To me the dissability is just another trap that snares the victims and turns them into less than human.



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