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mh is right on!
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,273
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 204,978

mh is right on!

you have to be dead to get social security. the only thing that is automatic is the age entitlement.

smoothman, it will be easier and cheaper to heal yourself and get on with your life than it will to get SS. you will have to lie and hire a lawyer and have no life except concentrating on getting SS. even then it may take you a year or more. do some fasts and get back on top. you will put so much effort into getting SS that , like mh says, you will remain sick and stay on it just to get your moneys worth. you cant dare talk about getting better. they want hopeless, terminal cusomers. and you definitely have to be being poisoned by all kinds of doctors and they have to like you enough to help you get it or your still screwed.

you have to be dead to get social security. i think you would rather be alive.


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